This page serves as a directory for the courses I am currently teaching, or have taught, and is freely available to current students, alumni of my classes, and any other interested observers. People interested in syllabi from previous courses that do not have links can e-mail me.
University of Alabama - Current Courses
University of Alabama
- Introduction to Research Methods
- Articulation and Phonology
- Introduction to Phonetics
- Sociolinguistics in Speech-Language Pathology
- Acoustics
University of South Carolina
- LING 240 (Language Conflict and Language Rights)
- LING 300/PSYC470/ANTH373 (Introduction to Language Sciences)
- LING 314/SPAN 317 (Spanish Phonetics and Pronunciation)
- SPAN 109 (Beginning Spanish I)
- SPAN 121 (Elementary Spanish)
- SPAN 122 (Basic Proficiency in Spanish)
St. Mary’s University
- SPAN 1311 (Introduction to Spanish I)
- SPAN 1312 (Introduction to Spanish II)
- SPAN 2311 (Second Year Spanish I)
- SPAN 2312 (Second Year Spanish II)
University of Memphis
- SPAN 1010 (Beginning Spanish I)
- SPAN 1020 (Beginning Spanish II)
- SPAN 2010 (Intermediate Spanish I)
- SPAN 2020 (Intermediate Spanish II)